People of CentOS
This is an area where the CentOS Developers and allowed contributors
can make test files and other things available that are not yet part of
CentOS. Some items here will make it into CentOS, CentOS Extras and/or
CentOS Plus ... while other things may not.
Caution: Use anything here at your own risk!
The following users currently have areas on (sorted by First name)
- Akemi Yagi (toracat)
- Alain Reguera Delgado (areguera)
- Ansible CentOS infra automation bot (tobisna)
- Anssi Johansson (avij)
- Brian Stinson (bstinson)
- Carl George (carlwgeorge)
- Christoph Galuschka (tigalch)
- David Kirwan (dkirwan)
- Fabian Arrotin (arrfab)
- Greg Sutcliffe (gwmngilfen)
- James O'Connor (jpoc)
- John R Dennison (jrd)
- Johnny Hughes (hughesjr)
- Laurențiu Păncescu (lpancescu)
- Pablo Greco (pgreco)
- Pasi Karkkainen (pasik)
- Ralph Angenendt (range)
- Rich Bowen (rbowen)
- Stephen Smoogen (smooge)
- Thomas Oulevey (alphacc)
- Trevor Hemsley (trevorh)
- Tru Huynh (tru)